Manifestation is a powerful way to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams into reality.
The process of manifestation is simple and achievable.
To achieve your heart’s desire, you make use of manifestation. Do you want to know how to manifest your desires in life?
This article will provide you with a clear 10-step process to become who you want or achieve what you want to get.
Some of you may have heard variations of manifestation.
You may have heard of it as a means to attract the destiny that you deserve. You are right. This is a way to strengthen your mind and focus on achieving your goals.
What Is Manifestation?
Manifestation is about making your dreams come true, literally. This is through tapping into the powers of the Universe and your own mind.
This means that the process requires you to use your positive energy to connect to the Universe’s own. Some people know Manifestation through the Law of Attraction. So you can get what you actively sought to attract.
It may sound like hocus-pocus for some, but Manifestation is grounded in people’s experiences, too. Though dubbed as a pseudoscience, we have seen proof that like attracts like.
When you are full of joy and positivity, you are followed by all sorts of positive experiences, too. As a result, you are more likely to welcome fresh moments.
Can it give you everything you want?
Manifesting is about reaching a goal that you have worked hard for. It is about attracting what is duly yours.
For example, you have always wanted to become the manager of your company. If you have been working hard for it, but your perseverance has gone unnoticed, this may be a great thing to ask for.
But, on the other hand, asking for it when you have not done the work does not require manifesting. Instead, it may require a complete change of attitude.
How to Manifest Anything with 10 Steps Approach
The Universe values fairness. Let’s start with our 10 steps approach-
Step 1: Clarify your Goals
Sometimes, we are not clear about what we desire. So, we need to sit back and analyze our thoughts and dreams. For how can you attract your goals if you do not clearly understand your desired outcome?
It happens.
Sometimes, you must look into your subconscious mind for the answers. First, analyze your goals and their possible results. Are they what you really want? Would you still pursue them after you have been given some insight into their potential effects on your life?
For example, you want to live in another country. You have always wanted to explore your world.
There is nothing wrong with that. However, pause for a while and see what could happen when you do just that.
What if you leave and your sick mother has nobody to care for her? You are an only child, and your mother had always been a caring parent. However, she gave up everything so that you can reach your goals. Leaving her to explore the world at this moment does not seem fair. Your desired outcome may benefit you, but it may destroy others.
This is not how the Universe works.
Sometimes, the struggle is more internal.
Step 2: Be Specific and List these Goals
So, you are clear about what you want. Now, you need to write those goals down. They become more real when you can see them written on a piece of paper or even on a whiteboard.
If you like, you can even start a vision board. This board contains all that you want to manifest: true love, a dream job, financial abundance, or even something lofty as your highest self.
Vision boards can be as colorful as you want them to be. You can use your own sketches or pictures from a magazine. These days, it is easier to search for what you specifically want on the Internet. Print these pictures and post them on your board.
By adding details to each dream and burning desire, you make each as real as your hands and feet. As a result, the Universe becomes clear about what you want.
Keep a diary if you must. First, write the things that you want in your life. Then, record the progress. Are any of your wishes manifesting? Do you feel like your destiny is taking its form right in front of you?
Next, look at the rest of your goals. Do you think you are asking too much? Will taking these slices of the Universe make you reach your highest self?
Step 3: Get Rid of Limiting Beliefs
It is normal to have some doubts. You have probably scoffed at some of your own ideas. You might have questioned how realistic some of them are. Stop there. Distinguish between realism and a limiting mindset.
Sometimes, we stop ourselves because we really need more preparations to make. However, most of the time, we destroy ourselves just when we should be gearing for takeoff.
Every negative thought in your head will pull you down instead of boost you up. This is because negative energy can kill off the vibrations you need to send a message to the Universe.
On the other hand, every positive thought will power your way towards your goals. Then, finally, you will find yourself closer to that good thing that you have always hoped for.
Step 4: Ask the Universe
But how can you even go through the manifestation process if you do not ask the Universe?
Ask the Universe for what you want. However, do not do it in a demanding way in which you ask for something impossible.
- What do you deserve?
- Do you want to manifest love?
- Is it the type of love that you deserve?
- Will wishing for it infringe on anyone’s rights?
Suppose the Universe recognizes your wish to be in a healthy relationship with a soulmate. In that case, it will connect you with this true love.
Step 5: Work Towards your Goals
Asking for the Universe is not enough. This is akin to praying in religious rituals and not doing anything to make any of your dreams happen.
The Law of Attraction does not work in such a way that you sit back, relax, and wait for results. Inaction is not a positive trait. It is part of a negative mindset that holds so many people back. Some people think that laziness will help them manifest their desires – but that is not how the Universe works.
So, if you want to work towards your dream job, make sure you are qualified. What do you need to get to that point? Earn the credentials, attend the training, and keep on working your best. You may already be in your dream office, waiting for a promotion.
And here is the thing – do not just work while people are watching you. Integrity asks that you keep your great work ethic even when nobody is there. The Universe can feel when you are taking the abundance mindset seriously.
The same goes for relationships. You must work hard to earn your true love a just way. This means that you must do your part to be a great partner or spouse. If you are still single and still wishing for someone to make you happy, work on your personality.
What are some of your negative points? What can you do to get rid of them?
Step 6: Stick to Your Plan
Perseverance is part of the Law of Attraction. Manifestation will not magically happen. You cannot just ask today, earnest and intense, then expect to get what you wished for the following day.
So many things can cause delay:
– Is your intention less than pure? Are you hoping to get your dream job at the expense of someone else? Are you blatantly going for that job by being ruthless and dishonest? Then, you may not even achieve your dream.
– Is your desired outcome going to derail the hopes and dreams of many good people?
– Are your negative beliefs still crowding your mind with unease and mistrust?
– Is your belief in Manifestation still weak?
A lot can derail your plans. You must continue. In your perseverance, you also display your trust and willingness to sacrifice.
Step 7: Trust the Process
Manifesting is not a magical potion, as mentioned by the previous point. Therefore, you have to work hard for it.
Where can you find most of the hard work? Yes, it is in your head and heart. It is the power of your mind that helps make manifestation happen.
If you do not have faith in what you are doing, you are sending a half-hearted plea to the Universe: I do not believe in you, but I will ask you to give me my heart’s desire.
When you trust the process, you are also likely to be calmer. When you get rid of anxiety from your life, you are more likely to work towards your goal. You are more likely to focus–instead of being distracted by all your worries.
Trust the process. You cannot hope to ask the Universe for something that you don’t even believe in. You can only hope to achieve what you think you can reach. This is not even a matter of fighting for it. It is a matter of being calm and going for what your heart truly wants.
Step 8: Raise Your Vibration
Sending messages requires vibration. Sound has a vibration. So, if you want to be heard by the Universe, you need to raise your vibration.
But how do you do that?
Look at yourself. How optimistic are you right now? If you are extra hopeful, then it means that you are doing well energy-wise. This means that you are strongly vibrating as a human. You can easily reach out to the Universe and convey what is exactly you want.
Well, think about the opposite end. What if you have a lot of negative energy? Your mind is telling you, “There is no way that I can do this. Asking for it is easy.”
Guess what? Like attracts like. Your negativity will also suck in the same sick energy from the world. So, you may end up getting the opposite of what you want and need.
Face the world with a smile. When you do that, you are basically telling the world that you are happy for your lot in life. A happy person is more likely to attract more causes for even more happiness.
Meditation can also help you get a stronger grasp of the positive things. Through it, you can dig into your subconscious beliefs and let them rise to the surface. Meditation is a manifestation practice. However, there are other manifesting techniques out there that can help you boost your vibration.
Step 9: Be Grateful for How the Universe is Working
For everything that you get in life, be grateful. The Universe gives you a chance to win the things that you deserve.
Does this mean you can just say, “I earned everything anyway?”
No, of course not. Many people in this world deserve more than what they currently have. If you are blessed enough to get what you feel should come your way, be grateful.
Being thankful can manifest in many ways. If you are religious, you may have gone to church to pray for your desired outcome. Then, when you do get what you have prayed for, you also come back to pray with thanksgiving.
You cannot just claim everything, expecting that you will forever be showered with goodness and grace. Instead, you should also know how to value and appreciate what is given to you. If not, the Universe may stop giving. It may shower these things to those who can easily recognize them for what they are—gifts!
Sometimes, you also have to recognize every little thing. For example, waking up every morning is a blessing. Some people may take it for granted, grumbling about why they need to get up so early. More successful people welcome the day as another opportunity to do their best.
This is maybe why several successful people wake up and work earlier. They are also likely to see the good in everything–the opportunities. The more that they become successful, the more that they are confident that they will achieve their goals.
It is a cycle.
So, don’t let your cycle be about being blind to what you are given and grumbling about your lot in life. Remember, like attracts like.
Step 10: Repeat the Process
Achieving one of your dreams is not the end of it all. Manifesting can be a process that you can apply throughout your life.
After all, you will constantly wish for several things: a booming career, true love through a dream partner, and financial abundance. You may want one now and then strive for the rest later.
It is not about being greedy. It is just that as you progress in life; you want to keep on aiming for something.
Do you ever wish to be stagnant? Of course, not. A lot of frustrated people talk about being stuck and helpless. This is not what you are aiming for.
So, repeat the process and keep on achieving. You know that you have to match this with hard work.
You can manifest anything you want. How to manifest requires your belief and hard work. No one who just sits back and watches the world go by really succeeds.
You need to want your goals, but you must also work for them.
The Universe is about fairness and positivity. Keep your energy vibrating through positive thinking.
Find out how you can tap into your dream life and make it happen.